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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at Wood.

7.1 rating for Management, based on 12 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Local management personnel are both accessible and supportive. I have a healthy and positive relationship with my immediate manager, who is also happy to aid in my professional development.
Graduate, Perth
Managers are accessible and good mentors.
Graduate, Perth
Leads are good mentors. Management is approachable and open.
Graduate, Perth
In constant communication with management and have fortnightly catch up meetings. Receive praise when appropriate and feel comfortable asking about my performance.
Graduate, Melbourne
Management are fairly accessible in the office. Most would make good mentors. There is a good level of internal communication, however little is focused on praise and recognition.
Graduate, Melbourne
Always open doors, happy to give advice, easy to contact if required. Fairly transparent in matters of the business, and very visible to all employees. Getting better at providing formal recognition to employees for good work.
Graduate, Perth
My direct manager is usually available and provides assistance and feedback where provided. I have a mentor, however initial contact has not yet been made. Senior management hold a fortnightly information session which I attend most of the time.
Graduate, Perth