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Monash University Careers Directory Profiles

Showing 28 items

  • Graduate stories
My team at SW have always provided me with learning opportunities to excel in my role. Whether it be through receiving more challenging and complex tasks or professional development courses offered by the firm, you are always continuously learning keeping the job engaging and rewarding.

Laura Nield

  • Graduate stories
I work with a team of 6 salespeople alongside traders to facilitate positions in order to gain exposure to Australia and New Zealand’s macro markets.

Lauren Brice

  • Graduate stories
"The best part of the generalist graduate role is having the opportunity to work alongside so many different specialists and not just working on one specific task the whole time."

Lucas Goette

  • Graduate stories
The graduate program set me up for my current role as it taught me how to get out of my comfort zone and try new things.

Madeleine Barry

  • Graduate stories
The ANZ Graduate Program offers a rich variety of experiences, meaning that each day will differ from the next, resulting in a continually engaging environment.

Matthew Kerr

  • Graduate stories
The best thing about my job is the variety of work – even if it is the same task you’ve done 100 times, you always have to adapt it to the current client/project and therefore always critically think.

Mimi Green

  • Graduate stories
It’s a crisp morning in the Docklands as you strut down Collins Street; coffee in hand (in a free ANZ Keep Cup), and Airpods in as you listen to your favourite true-crime podcast.

Nicola Hailey

  • Graduate stories
A great part of working at Coles is that you have the unique opportunity of positively impacting the lives of millions of Australians.

Ricky Kelf