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Monash University Careers Directory Profiles

Showing 90 items

  • Day in the life

Sanduni Perera

Sanduni completed her Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) at Monash University in 2021 and is now a Graduate Mechanical Engineer with BMD in Victoria. No two days are ever the same in her role, and the following profile provides a general snapshot of what her day may involve.
  • Day in the life

Sara Long

Sara Long graduated with a Bachelor of Business (Marketing and Management) from Monash University in 2020 and is now working as a Foodservice Marketing Graduate at Kraft Heinz.
  • Day in the life

Sarah McFadden

Order new merchandise for an upcoming expo. Head to the marketing storeroom to pull together any leftover show bags and our media kit. Yay – the first drafts of a recent photo/film shoot have come through. Time to review the material, collate the team’s feedback and annotate the visuals. Now back to that copywriting. Done - off to legal for review. 
  • Day in the life

Shannan De Zilva

I undertook a Summer 1 Clerkship at Ashurst in November 2023 and was invited back to work as a Paralegal whilst I complete the remainder of my Bachelors degree.
  • Day in the life

Sharmaine Tan

Sharmaine Tan studied ​a ​Bachelor of Business Information Systems at Monash University and is now a Technology Graduate at ANZ.
  • Day in the life

Sharmeen Kaur

Sharmeen Kaur graduated with a Bachelor of Business Information Systems from Monash University, Caufield in 2018 and is now working as a Consultant at Capgemini Australia.
  • Day in the life

Shraddha Mahesh

Shraddha Mahesh graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and is now a Sales Intern – eCommerce Administrator at Procter & Gamble.
  • Day in the life

Tamanna Kibrea

I’m part of a new corporate activity at the ANAO called Innovation Hub. It has been recently established to help promote, develop, and implement innovations across the business.